Source code for geochemdb.geochemdb

"""Interface for interacting with a SQLite database containing geochemical data.

This module provides a class, GeochemDB, for interacting with a SQLite database, as well as helper functions for structuring and processing data from the database.

import sqlite3
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from thefuzz import process

[docs] class GeochemDB: """ assumes a SQLite database with the schema describe in the package documentation. """
[docs] def __init__(self, database_path): """ Initializes a GeochemDB instance. Parameters ---------- database_path (str): Path to the SQLite database. Attributes ---------- _database_path (str): Internal storage for the database path. con (sqlite3.Connection): SQLite connection object. cursor (sqlite3.Cursor): SQLite cursor object. """ self._database_path = database_path self.con = sqlite3.connect(self._database_path) self.cursor = self.con.cursor()
def __del__(self): """ destructor, just want to close sqlite connection """ self.con.close()
[docs] def matchrows_strings(self, table, names, column, score_threshold=98): """ match to rows in a table based on a column in the row using strings Parameters ---------- table : str name of the table to match rows into. names : arraylike list of names to match in the table column : str name of column in table to do matching on score_threshold : float thefuzz score that matching must exceed to be a match Returns ------- idx : array (bool) logical indices of length len(names); true for each entry matched in the table sample_matches_dict : dict closest matching sample names in database with scores exceeding the threshold as values for keys being the provide matching sample names """ # read table table_df = pd.read_sql_query(f'SELECT * from {table}', self.con) # more flexible input names = np.atleast_1d(names) n_names = len(names) # if table is empty, return empty idx, sample_matches idx = np.zeros(n_names, dtype=bool) if len(table_df) == 0: return idx, {} # table rows to match to rows = table_df[column].values # matched names name_matches = [] row_matches = [] for ii, name in enumerate(names): # use fuzzy matching to get nearest match and score row_match, score = process.extractOne(name, rows) # must meet threshold if score >= score_threshold: name_matches.append(name) row_matches.append(row_match) idx[ii] = True row_match_dict = dict(zip(name_matches, row_matches)) return idx, row_match_dict
[docs] def matchrows(self, table, values, columns): """ exactly match rows in a table based on provided values Parameters ---------- table : str name of the table to match rows into. values : arraylike array of values to match. columns : arraylike names of columns in table that contain values; must have same length as second dimension of values Returns ------- idx : array (bool) logical indices of length len(names); true for each row in values matched in the table. """ # make columns array columns = np.atleast_1d(columns) # make values column vector if necessary if values.ndim == 1: values = values.reshape(-1, 1) # make sure columns and values have same shapes assert len(columns) == values.shape[1], \ 'values.shape[1] should be same as number of comparison columns.' # read table table_df = pd.read_sql_query(f'SELECT * from {table}', self.con) table_arr = table_df[columns].values # indices of rows in values that are matched in table_arr idx = (values[:, None] == table_arr).all(2).any(1) return idx
[docs] def matchcolumns(self, table, df_cols, score_threshold=96.0): """ Match columns of df to columns in the sqlite database Parameters ---------- table : str Table whose columns to match df_cols : arraylike Columns to match to columns in sqlite database score_threshold : float thefuzz score that matching must exceed to be a match Returns ------- col_match_dict : dictionary dictionary of matches where keys are df_cols and values are the sql columns for the matched table """ # get table header res = self.cursor.execute(f'PRAGMA table_info("{table}")') columns_info = res.fetchall() # sqlite columns, not sure what the last 3 are cols_sq_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['id', 'name', 'type', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3'], data=columns_info) sq_cols = cols_sq_df['name'].values # matching columns dict lists (to make dict later) df_cols_matched = [] sq_cols_matched = [] # do matching for col in df_cols: sq_col_match, score = \ process.extractOne(col, sq_cols) # must meet threshold if score >= score_threshold: df_cols_matched.append(col) sq_cols_matched.append(sq_col_match) col_match_dict = dict(zip(df_cols_matched, sq_cols_matched)) return col_match_dict
[docs] def matchsamples_df(self, df, score_threshold=96.0): """ Match samples in a DataFrame with a 'sample' column to existing samples in the database Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with a 'sample' column Returns ------- df_matched : pandas.DataFrame df with rows corresponding to matched samples """ samples_unique = df['sample'].unique() # now match parsed sample names against database idx, sample_match_dict = self.matchrows_strings( 'Samples', samples_unique, 'name', score_threshold=score_threshold) # check which sample_names were not matched sample_names_matched = list(sample_match_dict.keys()) # samples with no matches samples_not_matched = set(samples_unique) ^ \ set(sample_names_matched) if len(samples_not_matched) > 0: print(f'Sample names not matched:\n{samples_not_matched}') # keep only rows with matched samples (indexing into df) idx_samples = np.array( [x in sample_names_matched for x in df['sample']]) df = df.iloc[idx_samples].copy() # add sample column, renamed df['sample'] = df['sample'].replace(sample_match_dict) return df.copy()
[docs] def insert_rows(self, table, columns, values): """ Insert rows into table. Parameters ---------- table : str name of table in which to insert row. columns : arraylike columns in table to insert new values for. values : list must be a list of tuples Returns ------- None. """ assert len(columns) == len(values[0]),\ 'Must have value for each column.' # columns and values as string cols_str = '' vals_str = '' for ii in range(len(columns)-1): cols_str = cols_str + columns[ii] + ', ' vals_str = vals_str + '?, ' cols_str = cols_str + columns[-1] vals_str = vals_str + '?' # sql string sql = f'INSERT INTO {table} ({cols_str}) VALUES ({vals_str})' # execute sql self.cursor.executemany(sql, values) # commit self.con.commit()
[docs] def update_rows(self, table, match_columns, match_values, update_columns, update_values): """ Update columns in rows in a table based on values in matching columns. Parameters ---------- table : str Name of table to update rows in. match_columns : arraylike Columns to do matching on. match_values : list List of tuples of values to match rows on in match_columns. Length of each tuple must be same as len(match_columns) update_columns : arraylike Columns for which to update values. update_values : list List of tuples with values to update in update_columns. Length of each tuple must be same as len(update_columns) Returns ------- None. """ assert len(match_columns) == len(match_values[0]),\ 'Must have match_value for each match_column.' assert len(update_columns) == len(update_values[0]),\ 'Must have update_value for each update_column.' assert len(update_values) == len(match_values), \ 'update_values and match_values must be same length.' # string for columns to update (SET) set_str = '' for ii in range(len(update_columns)-1): set_str = set_str + update_columns[ii] + ' = ?, ' set_str = set_str + update_columns[-1] + ' = ?' # string for columns to match on (WHERE) where_str = '' for ii in range(len(match_columns)-1): where_str = where_str + match_columns[ii] + ' = ? AND ' where_str = where_str + match_columns[-1] + ' = ?' # sql string sql = f'UPDATE {table} SET {set_str} WHERE {where_str}' # assemble values values = [update_value + match_value for update_value, match_value in zip(update_values, match_values)] # execute sql self.cursor.executemany(sql, values) # commit self.con.commit() return
[docs] def measurements_update(self, df_measurements): """ Update matching spot measurements in the Measurements table for matching analyses. Does not attempt to add aliquots, analyses, samples, or measurements Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Ideally generated by iolite_tools.measurements2sql() must have minimally the following columns: analysis, quantity, mean, measurement_unit, uncertainty, uncertainty_unit optionally: reference_material Returns ------- None. """ # check for basic column structure cols_meas = ['analysis', 'quantity', 'mean', 'measurement_unit', 'uncertainty', 'uncertainty_unit', 'reference_material'] assert set(cols_meas) <= set(list(df_measurements)), \ 'Missing columns in df_measurements.' # match measurements idx = self.matchrows('Measurements', df_measurements[['analysis', 'quantity']].values, ['analysis', 'quantity']) # if no matching measurements, stop if np.sum(idx) == 0: print('No existing measurements found.') return # keep matched measurements df_measurements = df_measurements.loc[idx] cols_match = ['analysis', 'quantity'] match_values = df_measurements[cols_match].values.tolist() cols_update = ['mean', 'measurement_unit', 'uncertainty', 'uncertainty_unit', 'reference_material'] update_values = df_measurements[cols_update].values.tolist() # update in database self.update_rows('Measurements', cols_match, match_values, cols_update, update_values) print('Updated:\n' + f'{len(df_measurements)} measurements')
[docs] def measurements_add(self, df_measurements, df_analyses, df_aliquots, score_threshold=98): """ Add measurements for new analyses, but don't add samples. Parameters ---------- df_measurements : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame suitable for reference against the Measurements table must have have the following columns: analysis, quantity, mean, measurement_unit, uncertainty, uncertainty_unit df_analyses : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame suitable for reference against the Analyses table. must have the following columns: analysis, aliquot, date, insturment, technique df_aliquots : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame suitable for reference against the Aliquots table. must have the following columns: aliquot, sample, material score_threshold : int 0-100, scoring threshold for matching sample names. defaults to 98 Returns ------- None. """ # check for basic column structure cols_meas = ['analysis', 'quantity', 'mean', 'measurement_unit', 'uncertainty', 'uncertainty_unit', 'reference_material'] assert set(cols_meas) <= set(list(df_measurements)), \ 'Missing columns in df_measurements.' cols_analyses = ['analysis', 'aliquot', 'date', 'instrument', 'technique'] assert set(cols_analyses) <= set(list(df_analyses)), \ 'Missing columns in df_analyses.' cols_aliquots = ['aliquot', 'sample', 'material'] assert set(cols_aliquots) <= set(list(df_aliquots)), \ 'Missing columns in df_aliquots.' # make sure that all analyses in df_measurements are also in # df_analyses assert set(df_analyses['analysis'].unique().tolist()) == \ set(df_measurements['analysis'].unique().tolist()), \ """All analyses in df_analyses must be present in df_measurements, and vice versa.""" # make sure that all aliquots in df_analyses are also in df_aliquots assert set(df_analyses['aliquot'].unique().tolist()) == \ set(df_aliquots['aliquot'].unique().tolist()), \ """All aliquots in df_analyses must be present in df_aliquots, and vice versa.""" # match samples df_aliquots = self.matchsamples_df(df_aliquots, score_threshold=score_threshold) # if no matching samples, stop if len(df_aliquots) == 0: print('No samples matched.') return # remove analyses for aliquots with missing samples idx = df_analyses['aliquot'].isin(df_aliquots['aliquot']) df_analyses = df_analyses.loc[idx] # remove measurements with missing samples idx = df_measurements['analysis'].isin(df_analyses['analysis']) df_measurements = df_measurements.loc[idx] # distinguish between existing and new measurements idx = self.matchrows('Measurements', df_measurements[['analysis', 'quantity']].values, ['analysis', 'quantity']) # if all measurements are already in the database, stop if np.sum(idx) == len(df_measurements): print('All measurements already in database, use ' + 'measurements_update() instead.') return # ignore existing measurements if np.sum(idx) > 0: print('Existing measurements found, ignoring.') # remove from df_measurements df_measurements = df_measurements.iloc[~idx] # keep only corresponding analyses analyses_unique = df_measurements['analysis'].unique() idx = df_analyses['analysis'].isin(analyses_unique).values df_analyses = df_analyses.iloc[idx] # create necessary aliquots idx_aliquots = ~self.matchrows('Aliquots', df_aliquots['aliquot'].values, 'aliquot') if np.any(idx_aliquots): cur_values = df_aliquots.loc[idx_aliquots][cols_aliquots].values self.insert_rows('Aliquots', cols_aliquots, cur_values.tolist()) # create necessary analyses idx_analyses = ~self.matchrows('Analyses', df_analyses['analysis'].values, 'analysis') if np.any(idx_analyses): cur_values = df_analyses.loc[idx_analyses][cols_analyses].values self.insert_rows('Analyses', cols_analyses, cur_values.tolist()) # then add measurements self.insert_rows('Measurements', cols_meas, df_measurements[cols_meas].values.tolist()) print('Added:\n' + f'{np.sum(idx_aliquots)} aliquots,\n' + f'{np.sum(idx_analyses)} analyses,\n' + f'{len(df_measurements)} measurements')
[docs] def measurements_by_sample(self, samples): """ return a DataFrame with all measurements corresponding to the requested samples Parameters ---------- samples : str or arraylike sample or samples for which to retrieve measurements Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame all measurements associated with the sample. """ samples = np.atleast_1d(samples) # get aliquots matching samples if len(samples) == 1: sql = f'SELECT aliquot, sample FROM Aliquots WHERE sample = "{samples[0]}"' else: sql = f'SELECT aliquot, sample FROM Aliquots WHERE sample in {tuple(samples)}' df_aliquots = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self.con) aliquots = tuple(df_aliquots['aliquot'].values) # then get matching analyses and measurements sql = f'SELECT analysis, aliquot FROM Analyses WHERE aliquot in {aliquots}' df_analyses = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self.con) analyses = tuple(df_analyses['analysis'].values) sql = f'SELECT * FROM Measurements WHERE analysis in {analyses}' df_measurements = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self.con) # add aliquot and sample information df_analyses = df_analyses.merge(df_aliquots, how='left', left_on='aliquot', right_on='aliquot') df_measurements = df_measurements.merge(df_analyses, how='left', left_on='analysis', right_on='analysis') return df_measurements
[docs] def measurements_by_aliquot(self, aliquots): """ Return a DataFrame with all measurements corresponding to the requested aliquots. Parameters ---------- aliquots : str or arraylike aliquot(s) for which to retrieve measurements Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame All measurements associated with the aliquot(s). """ aliquots = np.atleast_1d(aliquots) # get samples matching aliquots if len(aliquots) == 1: sql = f'SELECT aliquot, sample FROM Aliquots WHERE aliquot = "{aliquots[0]}"' else: sql = f'SELECT aliquot, sample FROM Aliquots WHERE aliquot in {tuple(aliquots)}' df_aliquots = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self.con) aliquots = tuple(df_aliquots['aliquot'].values) # then get matching analyses if len(aliquots) == 1: sql = f'SELECT analysis, aliquot FROM Analyses WHERE aliquot = "{aliquots[0]}"' else: sql = f'SELECT analysis, aliquot FROM Analyses WHERE aliquot in {tuple(aliquots)}' df_analyses = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self.con) analyses = tuple(df_analyses['analysis'].values) sql = f'SELECT * FROM Measurements WHERE analysis in {analyses}' df_measurements = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self.con) # add aliquot and sample information df_analyses = df_analyses.merge(df_aliquots, how='left', left_on='aliquot', right_on='aliquot') df_measurements = df_measurements.merge(df_analyses, how='left', left_on='analysis', right_on='analysis') return df_measurements
[docs] def get_samples(self): """List samples in the database. Parameters ---------- None. Returns ------- samples : array Array of sample names in the database. """ sql = 'SELECT name FROM Samples' samples = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self.con) return samples['name'].values
[docs] def get_aliquots(self): """List aliquots in the database. Parameters ---------- None. Returns ------- aliquots : array Array of aliquot names in the database. """ sql = 'SELECT aliquot FROM Aliquots' aliquots = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self.con) return aliquots['aliquot'].values
[docs] def get_aliquots_samples(self): """List samples and aliquots in the database. Parameters ---------- None. Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with columns 'sample' and 'aliquot'. """ sql = 'SELECT sample, aliquot FROM Aliquots' df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, self.con) return df
[docs] def aliquot_average(df_measurements): """ given a dataframe of measurements as generated by :py:meth:`GeochemDB.measurements_by_sample()` or :py:meth:`GeochemDB.measurements_by_aliquots()`, gather measurements by aliquot, averaging duplicate measurements. Assumes that duplicates have the same units. to do: implement more robust duplicate checking responsible uncertainty propagation Args: df_measurements (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe of measurements output by :py:meth:`GeochemDB.measurements_by_sample()`. Returns: pd.DataFrame: DataFrame with geochemical measurements averaged by aliquot. """ df_aliquots = \ df_measurements.pivot_table(columns=['quantity'], index=['aliquot', 'sample'], values=['mean', 'uncertainty'], aggfunc={'mean': 'mean', 'uncertainty': 'max'}) df_aliquots = df_aliquots.reorder_levels([1, 0], axis=1) return df_aliquots